We have posted photos of the four seasons in Sesshu’s garden. We will also post photos of the four seasons related to Masuda City. Why don’t you enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sesshu and Masuda City?
If you have photos of the four seasons of the Sesshu’s garden and Masuda City, please send them to the following e-mail and we will post them. Please send photos that can be posted, including those for secondary use, as long as they do not infringe copyrights or portrait rights. We ask for your cooperation. (If you need the name of the person who posted it, please include it in the e-mail.)
Email: masudasesshu <at sign> gmail. com (Please change <at sign> to @)
1. Excellent Photo Collection of the Sesshu’s gardens and Masuda City
(In preparation)
Photos of the four seasons of theSesshu’s garden and Masuda City will be posted. Secondary use is prohibited by copyright.
* Link to the site
2. Photo collection posted
2.1 Sesshu’s gardens
2.2 Four seasons of Masuda City